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Monday, April 30, 2007

Last night I uploaded the new theme for my blog which I called XP-rience because its atmosphere is similar to a typical Windows XP interface. The header is smaller compared to my previous template: At the right is the official logo of my blog and at the left is a 468x60 advertisement. The menubar is now located below the advertisement and the blog’s description is still located below the logo. The fading background of each post is inspired by the Web 2.0 and the post’s title is similar to a typical Windows XP title bar. If you are an XP user with your theme set to default, go to “My Computer” or “My Documents” and notice that the sidebar of this blog is similar to your window’s sidebar. GUrbi’s Theme v.2.0 is best viewed with Internet Explorer 7 and a 1280 by 800 pixels screen resolution. My new theme aims to have 10,000+ page views a day and to generate $100.00 revenue a month.

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